Tuesday, April 10, 2012

life on tuesday

Here’s a little bit of our life on Tuesday morning… :D

I woke up this morning, poured my coffee and headed to the couch for my morning devo as usual. As I rounded the corner, I found this huge present waiting for me on the sofa, all wrapped up! {I had to resist the urge to take a picture before I opened it! :P}

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My sweet hubs surprised me with a cool fan! My mother-in-law has the same one that I love, so he went and bought one for me too. The kids wrapped it last night- so sneaky! I had no idea!

What a wonderful man he is. :D

Are we weird, or do your children come downstairs in the morning dressed in costume too? I couldn’t resist taking a pic! {even with the cereal on her face! ha!}

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Last night we did a very late grocery run with all the kids. I so didn’t want to go, but not having groceries isn’t really an option on this diet! :) We spent $113 in groceries for the week {thinking they’ll last longer too}, but my biggest food purchase was this bag for $6:

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I’ve fallen in love with nuts. I crave them like crazy now! I crave avocado now too.

I wonder why? Because they are such a good source of protein? Fat? Whatever it is, they are amazing!!

To offset the cost of all the nuts and avocados, beans are a staple around here these days- my crockpots runneth over:

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Tonight I’m making 10 bean soup and the black beans on the right are for lunches this week.

It’s funny how our kitchen is starting to change. Potatoes, melons, apples, avocados, garlic, and onions are overtaking the flour and sugar on my baking shelves:Image 11

And it’s the same story in the fridge:

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Greens, plant milks, and veggies are overtaking the eggs and dairy. So exciting!

I’ve had some random strange dull headaches recently. I can’t figure out why they’re happening- I’m guessing it’s a withdrawal of some kind? Or a lack of water…. I’ve not been as thirsty in the last week or so either. Stevia doesn’t give you a headache does it? Hmmm….

Or maybe it’s just homeschooling spring fever- I’m so ready for summer break! :D The kids are doing really well now though, so it’s almost hard for me to break the routine for summer.  I can’t decide if it’s better to go on and stay in the groove, or stop for a long break.

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What do you think? Which is better: summer or school?

How’s life on Tuesday at your house? :D

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