Tuesday, May 29, 2012

original food meal plan #3 + goals for this week

It's always so hard to come back to real life after a three day weekend! We had parties and get-togethers every day and it was a blast! We had so much fun spending time with friends and family. But regular life is pulling us back in for the rest of the week!

We have so much going on over the next five days. Our game plan this week is to take a break from school and just work on the house projects. 

Our laundry room and pantry is getting a major DIY overhaul right now, which means that we have baskets of clothes and sheets and food everywhere. It's craziness. :)

our family closet/pantry is getting a new look! wohoo!
I'm going to try and see how much painting I can do between teaching classes and cooking and cleaning. My plan is to let the housework go so that we can focus on getting projects done.

I'm a little nervous about that- I have to admit, I feel a little tense/stressed out when my kitchen counter and table are covered in clutter. But it's all for a good cause, right?  :P

I'm making menu plans and going grocery shopping this week, even though I have no idea which nights we will follow them. We've been so busy that we've eaten out more than we planned to recently. I love my husband so much- he always encourages me not to cook when we're stressed or busy. He's so sweet.

snack food: we're trying out these zucchini chips

this week's menu plans: 

black-eyed peas and basmati rice {already made in the crockpot and rice cooker for tonight!}
zucchini and squash "pasta" with fresh corn on the cob
steamed veggies, salad and roasted garlic potatoes
raw tacos, rice and salsa
dinner out

pinto beans and rice
easy veggie chili {uses up leftover beans!}
homemade sushi {veggie: avocado, cucumber, zucchini}
zucchini and squash
lunch out w/the hubs

homemade granola

oranges and apples

We were given sacks full of zucchini and squash this weekend. Rob's grandpa sent us over fresh veggies from his garden! They were delivered by his parents, who came to watch the kids while we went to a beautiful dinner party. {Hooray for sweet in-laws! Thank you, mom and dad! :)}

And this week I'm also working on my May goals {which will undoubtedly run into June}:

the purple room I'm hoping to paint this week...
{see more of our old house here}
paint and finish the girls’ room - start prep work, clear out toys, paint ceiling
teach fitness classes
take family portraits on Friday
meet w/friends for Bible study
pick up more paint and samples at the paint store
grocery shopping- Sam's and Walmart

EntreLeadership: by Dave Ramsey - read as much as possible {I like this book- you know I love Dave Ramsey- but so far it doesn't seem applicable for me right now since I'm not an employer...so it's been harder for me to pick up and read}

Memorize 1 Peter 3:1-11 - write out and practice this out loud

a helper- easing the burden of someone else:
help my hubs get a patent on a product this week
help with painting upstairs and down
sub extra fitness classes {one yesterday, one Friday}

What are your plans for the rest of the week? If all goes as planned here, I'm thinking by tomorrow Friday it will look like a tornado hit our house! :P 

{Okay, deep breath in! Here we go... :)}

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