Wednesday, August 1, 2012

it's open! {mandy's closet}

In honor of thrifty thursday, Mandy's Closet is open! :D It's like online thrifting! Ahhhh! so much fun! :D

I listed over 50 unique items from my closet and home, and I even added a few of my purse finds, books, and accessories for you too! The clothing varies in size, and if the item fits a range of sizes, I tried to mention that as well. :D Checkout is through PayPal, but you don't have to have a PayPal account to buy, just a credit or debit card.

Eeek! I'm so excited to pass my finds on to you! I hope you enjoy shopping my closet!

mandy's closet

P.S. I did my best to list what I could about each item, but feel free to email me at mandy @ biblical homemaking . com if you have any questions about shipping or specific items. Shipping is allowed in the U.S. in the store, but if you are in another location, email me your potential item and address and I'll try to get you a shipping quote back asap! :D

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