Monday, March 11, 2013

monday menu + goals {do, read, learn, be} for March 11

We had a good, slow weekend at home, thanks to a round of pink eye that hit both of the boys on Friday afternoon. Pink eye may be the best sickness yet- it makes you all stay home and the kids can still play normally! :)

The kiddos stayed outside almost all of Saturday and Sunday thanks to the awesome weather we had, which made me be able to take a very long nap each day, and even have time to sit down and relax after we worked around the house on Saturday morning:

That little cup of afternoon coffee gave me enough energy to go rake leaves and clean up the yard until dark. We had to run to the store for yard supplies and I couldn't help but laugh and take a picture when my husband pulled into this reserved spot:

Hey, there are benefits to being pregnant! :D

I've been planning menus for the family for the last two weeks but I am finding over and over that I still cannot bring myself to eat a full meal at dinner time. My body totally rejects the idea- I snack, eat chicken or fish for dinner, and then I'll eat a grapefruit or banana for dessert.

Sometimes I can manage to eat veggies with my chicken,  but I almost never eat what the rest of the family eats. And I still can't eat salad at night. I told Rob if I had any cravings right now, I would so indulge myself because I want to want to eat something again! I don't even desire sugar. I mean who is this girl these days??? I don't know her!

frosted mini wheats {kids} AHEM: note to self: only eat these if within a few hours you desire to feel 9 months preggo when you are 4.5, or 4.5 months preggo when you are not preggo at all...
greek yogurt + fruit

sandwiches {kids} + "veggie" chips {lol} or honey wheat pretzels
quesadillas {kids}
tomato basil soup {me}
tunafish {me}
chicken and veggies {me} with buffalo sauce :P
egg white omelet topped with feta cheese {me}

baked potatoes + beans
pinto beans + rice
chicken pot pie {the one thing that does sound decent right now!}
spaghetti + salad + breadsticks
french bread pizza for family night
chicken + steamed broccoli {me}
steamed cod {me}

oranges, grapefruits, greek yogurt, kiwis, cantaloupe, carrots, raisins, pb crackers, frozen bananas

Here are my goals for this week:

this week:
1. Paint a mirror and a frame.
2. Find machine quilting plans for baby blanket.
3. Keep a food journal {I'm curious to see how much more junk I'm eating now that I don't feel good again}.
4. Return items to mall store and mail packages.
5. Defrost the freezer.

1. Wash my hair. Today. {This needs a goal spot so I can cross it off. That's how bad it is.}
2. Study chorey and teach BODYCOMBAT this afternoon.
3. Pay water bill.
4. Cut up and freeze bananas for ice cream.
5. Bake potatoes in oven/foil for dinner tonight.

7 days of readings in my one year Bible
The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness by Timothy Keller {short book I downloaded to my phone for .99!}

But let all who take refuge in you rejoice;
let them ever sing for joy,
and spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may exult in you.
For you bless the righteous, O LORD;
you cover him with favor as with a shield.
Psalm 5:11-12 ESV

grateful- I'm reading in Numbers right now about the Israelites- how much they grumbled wishing for the easier days, and how much God hated hearing their complaints. I don't want to be like that, even when things aren't going well for me, and I'm praying God will help me not to grumble, even {or especially} to Him.

I'm hoping to give you a good report back next week on all I got done. ;) We'll hope it all goes well!

How often have you or your family had pink eye? Do you treat it at home at first or go to the doctor right away?
The kids have never had it before now, but I have once. Theirs is almost completely gone already {yay!}, so hopefully it won't come back and need more treatment. When I had it, it was a couple of days after I had been at the hospital and had Avalie. I had to get antibiotics, and it lasted for 10 days and I had a newborn to take care of. It was awful.

Do you like doing yard work? What's your favorite outdoor chore?
I like it a lot! Mostly pruning branches and raking leaves- I used to like to push mow before I was married, but I've not been allowed to touch a mower since I was married 10 years ago. :) That or drive while in the car with my husband. :D

Favorite dinner on the menu this week? Or one big goal you want to complete?
Chicken pot pie. I might actually eat that one!

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