Monday, September 2, 2013

emerging from the fog + my postpartum goals

I'm so glad I googled my symptoms...phew. ;) {source}
The baby is 3 weeks old today, and I think I'm slowly emerging from the postpartum fog.

I haven't been able to think about anything but doing the next thing since the baby was due 5 weeks ago, but with homeschooling, regular life, and lots of events coming up this month, I figured it was time to finally make a potential gameplan so I know what to do when I'm too tired to think about it. I'm hoping lining out a few goals will help steer me through the next four months of postpartum/tiny babyness. ;)

If there's one thing I've learned after having 5 kiddos, it's that I need to keep it easy the first few months after having a baby. I've hopped right back into regular life and done too much too quickly before, and the stress of not sleeping/crying babies/events/working too hard really burned me out and made me one stressed out wife and mama.

I just really want to enjoy this sweet little boy, and this precious time of the kids all being little and life being easy and simple. It's perfect right now, and I don't want to lose it until I have to. :) They will all grow up and change too soon, sniff sniff. {Seriously, I could totally cry thinking about it. Totally the hormones. ;)} But I just want to be intentional with this time, you know?

So, that being said, here are my goals for the next three to four months:

Enjoy having a little baby by keeping life simple.
  • stay home as much as possible. {the most important thing for me to remember!}
  • teach fewer fitness classes
  • saving errands for when we can go as a family or by myself
  • let the housework "go" more during the day and work in bursts once at night
  • cook simple meals
    • use crockpot
    • make cold foods
    • keep frozen foods on hand

Focus on starting homeschooling.
  • create and follow a routine by the end of the year.
  • ease into a more disciplined schedule- starting with afternoon schedules/routines, and working backwards to mornings.

Stay healthy.
  • find a doable way/time to do regular devotions when getting up early doesn't/can't happen
  • pray throughout the day {so necessary for me- more on this later!}
  • eat well
    • avoid sugary foods when I'm hungry to keep from crashing
    • eat plenty to keep a good milk supply
  • take naps when I can
  • ease into working out regularly again

Enjoy upcoming fall events.
  • Speak at a church event this month.
  • enjoy 7+ family birthdays
  • keep holidays low-key/low-demand 
  • go on a low-cost fall family getaway
so in love with this little guy.
he makes our life so much sweeter!
How do you stay intentional with the time you have with your kiddos? Do you find the days are long, and the years are short, too? 

How long do you take to "recover" and get back into a routine after having a baby?
I'm finding the longer I take off, the better for everyone in our house. :D I'm definitely not in a hurry to be busy again! I normally start feeling like my old self again around 5-6 months after the baby is born. {a.k.a. when my babies sleep through the night!}.

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