22 weeks! Hey, we're officially on the downhill side now! :D
So... we had our big ultrasound this week. As we walked into the room, the tech asked us if we want to find out the gender of the baby.
We told him yes... or well, that we already know, but it couldn't hurt to make sure. :)
So he puts the jelly all over the cold wand and brings to the side of my belly, and instantly we see this perfect little bottom appear on the screen.
"Oh," he says, without looking up from the screen. "Is it a girl?"
Rob and I instantly look at each other with wide eyes. Not according to the last ultrasound we had at 16 weeks!
"I don't know- is it?" I ask.
My heart started pounding in my chest as we waited for him to tell us...
Oh my goodness, what will we do with a girl? I start thinking about having a third girl, and her name, and it feels like my whole world is changing suddenly. We've already bought boy stuff...we've been calling him... er, her... a boy name all this time.
All these thoughts start flying around in my head....I'm squinting as hard as I can at the tiny screen, craning my neck to see what he's seeing. This is our 5th baby, so for the last 4 ultrasounds or so I've been able tell what gender it is before the tech announces it. And I'm not seeing any little boy parts either. Nope... nothing there.
"Hmm..well..." he says, as he adjusts the wand on my belly just a little. "I don't see any..."
"Wait, no, there it is... he was just hiding from us!"
And... all of the sudden I can breathe again. Phew.
Goodness, man. Do not mess with a pregnant girl like that. :)
I really never cared one way or the other about a specific gender, but somehow changing it in the middle seemed huge and scary! :)
So... it's still a boy. He made sure and showed us repeatedly after that! ;)
Here's my 22 week update:
How I'm feeling:
Tired. Really, really {really} tired, and I can only guess it's because the baby has been growing like a weed. My belly is very much showing now, and I have no energy whatsoever. :) Allergy season is in full swing, and I've never noticed the pollen bothering me until this year. I'm sneezy, stuffy, and can't breathe at night which makes me grumpy too. ;)
If I had to guess, I would imagine this is the middle of the heavy growth spurt that normally happens from about week 18 to week 32 or so for me... :) I usually grow really fast and feel the most tired when the baby is growing the most {well, percentage-wise anyway. :) }.
I haven't been very hungry this week, but I have been working hard to make sure I get lots of protein. I have been loving my grilled chicken with buffalo sauce, cottage cheese, and greek yogurt for most meals. I'm liking mostly plain things- nothing too spicy or sour or flavored. {other than the buffalo sauce- I don't know why I love it, but I do!}
I noticed about mid-week that I was completely exhausted, and remembered I hadn't eaten many carbs since Saturday because I just didn't want any. I ate a sandwich and some fro-yo for lunch on Wednesday and felt much better. So now I'm just trying to remember to eat some bread/sugar every now and then so that I don't get too low on energy. This preggo body is always keeping me on my toes!
Body Changes:
Everything is growing on schedule, and average as far as I can tell for me. It's just happening as my body wants to, and that's the way it goes in my pregnancies.
I find myself rubbing my belly now and again, and it's so fun. :) I am slowly outgrowing some of my clothes every week, and in the past 3 weeks I've become fully preggo looking. Strangers are asking me what I'm having. :)
I pulled out my maternity clothes today and realized they were now 10 years old. WHAT in the world? I must have been at this for a while! A decade of style changes makes a bit of a difference for sure. :)

I'm slowing way down here for sure, because the tiredness is killing me in this department. I teach my classes and feel fine, but I have little energy to do much else right now, which is discouraging, but hopefully it's just because of the stage I'm in at the moment. I exercise 1-1.5 hours, 4 or 5 days/week right now, which is probably more than plenty in reality, though it's far less than I'm used to doing. I'm trying to take it easy and sleep/rest more since I'm having to move more weight around when I work out. :)
He was right in the middle percentile for everything and measured about 2 days ahead of my due date, weighing in at a little over 1 lb. I was so excited to see his little arms and legs moving on the screen. He gets the hiccups frequently and I saw him having them during the ultrasound. Oh, baby cuteness. It made me really get excited about holding his little hands and cuddling and nursing him when he gets here. :)
Birth plans:
We've started talking about the logistics of having a birthing pool in the house, and I can't tell you how excited I am about that! I have never been able to get in the water in labor before!
At my last appointment, one of the midwives asked me to list what pregnancy books and birthing stories I've read, and it made me laugh because I think I've gobbled up every pregnancy book written over the last 10 years. I loved reading them all.
But oddly enough, I haven't picked up a single one this time around. And I don't even want to read birth stories because I can REMEMBER that feeling, you know what I mean? I've done it four times already, and while it gets easier once you've done it before, it's never, ever EASY.
I was thinking, please don't make me read any stories or watch any movies right now- I promise I don't need to. Birthing has forever been etched into my memory. And my body will start shaking involuntarily like I'm in transition just imagining it.... :P
All I can say is that it's such a good thing you get a baby at the end of your labor. Seeing and kissing them for the first time is the most exciting thing. Ever.
8 hours of labor + snuggly sweet baby boy at the end = totally worth it. I think I'm actually looking forward to that day getting here. :)
Only 18 weeks to go!! wohoo!
Everything is growing on schedule, and average as far as I can tell for me. It's just happening as my body wants to, and that's the way it goes in my pregnancies.
I find myself rubbing my belly now and again, and it's so fun. :) I am slowly outgrowing some of my clothes every week, and in the past 3 weeks I've become fully preggo looking. Strangers are asking me what I'm having. :)
I pulled out my maternity clothes today and realized they were now 10 years old. WHAT in the world? I must have been at this for a while! A decade of style changes makes a bit of a difference for sure. :)
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3 weeks later makes a big difference! :) |

I'm slowing way down here for sure, because the tiredness is killing me in this department. I teach my classes and feel fine, but I have little energy to do much else right now, which is discouraging, but hopefully it's just because of the stage I'm in at the moment. I exercise 1-1.5 hours, 4 or 5 days/week right now, which is probably more than plenty in reality, though it's far less than I'm used to doing. I'm trying to take it easy and sleep/rest more since I'm having to move more weight around when I work out. :)
He was right in the middle percentile for everything and measured about 2 days ahead of my due date, weighing in at a little over 1 lb. I was so excited to see his little arms and legs moving on the screen. He gets the hiccups frequently and I saw him having them during the ultrasound. Oh, baby cuteness. It made me really get excited about holding his little hands and cuddling and nursing him when he gets here. :)
Birth plans:
We've started talking about the logistics of having a birthing pool in the house, and I can't tell you how excited I am about that! I have never been able to get in the water in labor before!
At my last appointment, one of the midwives asked me to list what pregnancy books and birthing stories I've read, and it made me laugh because I think I've gobbled up every pregnancy book written over the last 10 years. I loved reading them all.
But oddly enough, I haven't picked up a single one this time around. And I don't even want to read birth stories because I can REMEMBER that feeling, you know what I mean? I've done it four times already, and while it gets easier once you've done it before, it's never, ever EASY.
I was thinking, please don't make me read any stories or watch any movies right now- I promise I don't need to. Birthing has forever been etched into my memory. And my body will start shaking involuntarily like I'm in transition just imagining it.... :P
All I can say is that it's such a good thing you get a baby at the end of your labor. Seeing and kissing them for the first time is the most exciting thing. Ever.
8 hours of labor + snuggly sweet baby boy at the end = totally worth it. I think I'm actually looking forward to that day getting here. :)
Only 18 weeks to go!! wohoo!
Can you instantly remember what it felt like to be in labor when you hear a story too? When was your biggest pregnancy growth spurt?
Ever used a birthing pool before? {Will we run out of hot water trying to fill it up? I have no idea!}
Have you ever had an ultrasound tech be wrong about the gender? How/when did you find out?
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