Our weekend went much differently than I expected it to, thanks to a great stomach thing that {luckily} only happened to me. If I can remember, I've never had anything like that happen this far along in my pregnancy. And I think I would remember if I did, because stomach problems + massive 34 wk. baby doing karate inside you constantly = extreme pain.
I was down and out for most of the weekend, so much of the big stuff on my goal list didn't get done. We do have a brand new fence in the backyard thanks to my amazing husband who seriously worked all weekend long to tear out the old one and replace it. He's such a stud. {of course, I decided that a long time ago, and again after he proposed for the second time last year...lol!}
But I have to brag on him again, you guys. He worked ALL day long building the fence Saturday, then came in at 9:15 and made dinner for the kids, put them to bed, then went to the store because I wanted some 7-up and lemon popsicles {and applesauce and tootsie roll pops too- I had an "I'm sick free for all" shopping card, LOL}. Little did I know I sent him on a wild goose chase...
He came home an hour later with every citrus popsicle he could find:
He went to multiple stores all over town at 11 p.m. {dog-tired}, trying to find me lemon fruit bars, which apparently do not exist.
And at this point, he gets husband of the year award {okay, it was probably somewhere back at making dinner}.
I, however, do not earn any awards. My sweet husband brings me every citrus popsicle he can find in town, and lays them all out on the coffee table for me to choose from my curled-up fetal position on the sofa, and what do I tell him?
I don't like lime.
I'm such a winner.
I ask for the applesauce instead, and he stays up with me watching Netflix until I feel better at 3 a.m. for the second night in a row.
The man is gold, I tell you. A pure blessing from the heavens.
I had this thought the other day that amazed me- I realized that God loves me even more than Rob does. And it made me cry like a baby. Because really and truly, I can't imagine a love even better than my husband's. I have never met a man who loves his wife more.
He loves me like Christ loves the church.
And I don't deserve it. At all.
It's so humbling, and I can't say enough how amazed I am at what the Lord has done in my life. I'm so very grateful for this man and how he lives out the Gospel on a daily basis- not giving up on me, but loving me far more than I ever could imagine or deserve.
He cherishes me, so very well.
25Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.a 28In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, 30because we are members of his body.
Ephesians 5:35-30
He loves me like that, you guys. And it's incredible. Only the Lord could give me such a wonderful gift like him.
Yesterday I tried one of the fruit popsicles he brought me, and I can't believe it, but...
I think lime is my new favorite.
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