Oh, you won't believe this, but my little Zaner slept for 10 hours in his crib one night last week!! Were you praying? Because I think the Lord heard you! We had a challenging week, so the sleep was much needed. :)
Summer is so much different at our house. Even with the schedule in place, the kids didn't know what to do with themselves in play time. And this week is VBS, and the oldest three are thrilled to be gone all morning. :) So we're still finding our groove. And then over the weekend we did a major DIY project which I will tell you about soon! But the goals really helped me stay focused and productive with all my extra free time, so I'm back at 'em again. :D
I did everything last week but sell the 2 items, and paint the laundry cabinets {Rob said he would spray them for me and you know I don't mind that!}. Instead of painting those cabinets, while Rob was working on the special project, I took the car to the $5 wash. ;) I washed the car and gave the baby a nap, all while putting my makeup on at the same time. {!} It was a win for mommy multi-tasking!
I was so proud. :)
Here are this week's DRLB goals:
:: do ::
follow our new summer schedule {afternoons}
teach/exercise 5-6 hours
sell 2 items online
clean the upstairs
sort out closet excess to sell armoire
do 1 fun craft project
make father's day gifts :)
take children to VBS daily, library and swimming
remove veneer and paint radio cabinet
forgo bread {processed carbs have been giving me headaches- SAD}
:: read ::
finish Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child^ {this has been so good. I didn't realize until I read this that the baby really needed to take longer naps}
You Are Loved: Embracing the Everlasting Love God has for You^ by Good Morning Girls/ Angela Perritt + Sally Clarkson- Week 2 Bible reading
daily readings- Psalm, Gospel, epistle
:: learn ::
Psalm 103:13-14
As a father shows compassion to his children,
so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.
14 For he knows our frame;
he remembers that we are dust.
:: be ::
serious about sleeping: this one isn't a character quality necessarily, but I want to focus on resting more myself. I would like to try to take a few naps and see if my body starts to recharge. The night the baby slept was so good, and now that we don't have to do school I can take naps again!! hallelujah. :) I also want to move my bedtime up 30 minutes to an hour earlier. Since the kids go to bed around 9:45, I shoot for 11:00- 11:30 normally, but this week I'm trying to hit 10:30- 10:45. I'm excited.
What are your goals this week?
What time do you go to bed during the week?
Any fun ideas for Father's Day crafts for kids? :)
^= Amazon affiliate links: should you purchase a book through an Amazon link in this post, I get a small percentage! :D yay!
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