Monday, August 4, 2014

if I could slow down a moment, and the day I long to see

If I could have slowed down a summer moment this year, it would have been this one:

In the middle of a very crazy weekend, I got to see the sun set out at my in-laws' place. And this guy was sitting right next to me:

He's growing up so fast. We're like the same size now. I give him all my extra combat shorts to wear. {Don't worry- we buy boys long shorts for launches so they're appropriate! :P}

Speaking of combat launches- today is our summer launch, so I'm studying away. :) We're going to wear these $4 head wraps from Walmart, and for some reason I'm excited about it. I love fighter chick kind of stuff!

After enjoying lots of this kind of food this weekend, I'm so glad I've got a hardcore workout on the schedule for today: 

Anyone recognize that salad {or this brownie?}. We went on a date this weekend to Freebirds, and even with a fussy, teething baby, we had fun. 

Last week he was much happier. I have evidence:

:D That smile kills me. After our dinner, we went here:

You know shopping at Target is every man's dream date, right? :P It would be like going to Lowe's for me. ;) What can I say? Rob loves me.

I saw this at Ross the other day and I want to replicate it:


The truth of it caught me off guard, and I loved it. The thing is- our earthly love stories do come to an end, but an eternal one is written on our hearts. We long for a love that will never die, and that's what our Savior has for us!

Earthly marriages are only temporary; they're only glimpses of what lies in store for us on that last day. That's why we won't grieve the loss of our earthly marriage in Heaven- because we who believe on the Lord Jesus are going to be united together with our lasting Bridegroom. We will be with our eternal Love!

It's so exciting! :) You know what C.S. Lewis said is true:
“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” 
Happy things like curling up for a nap, sweet dates, great food, loving our children and husbands- we get to enjoy this life now because of who Jesus is. We know that He is our love, and like the gift of salvation first- every good and perfect gift comes from the Father! We enjoy Him in abundance, and in need- because He is our strength and the true source of our contentment.

I know for me- sometimes the days are actually hard, and I struggle to feel any of His joy, but it doesn't mean that He isn't there with me. I really feel that in those times the Lord is pruning back parts of my heart so that I don't love these earthly things first. 

When I don't feel joyful- when I don't see the goodness in this life- He is revealing to me that my hope is falling in the wrong places. I'm putting my joy in earthly things I've been given instead of delighting in the GIVER of all good things, you know? In those days, I must choose to praise Him, even when I don't feel like it's naturally overflowing. A lack of feelings sometimes forces me to set my mind on things above just to keep going

That's why I think feeling the struggle for joy can even be a good thing too.

I want my heart to be wholly devoted to the Lord, and as much as I don't enjoy them- the lows show me I need Him even more desperately.

Our lives are so short. It feels like yesterday that boy sitting beside me at the lake was born, and now he's in the double digit. I can't imagine how much faster the rest of this will fly by.

I don't want to waste my time living for the things of this earth, because even the trees in my yard will outlast me! I'm a tiny blip on the radar. But I want my blip to be the death of who I am, so that Christ may live in me. And honestly, it's the hardest thing I can imagine doing with the time I've been given. It's way easier to live for myself than to put all those earthly things to death, you know?

But the good news is this: the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in me!!


I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. 

I cannot do it, but HE can. 

Jude:24 Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. 
HE is able to keep me from stumbling, and to present me before the presence of His glory blameless.

That is the day I long for. To be in His presence, blameless, and forgiven, and free from sin.

Oh, that is worth it all.

This life is wonderful, but that day will be SO much better. :)

May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you this week, my friends.

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