Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Women Living Well book study conclusion: what is your driving force?

This post is the final installation of the WLW book study series- you can find all the details and the previous posts in the study here!

Today we end our Women Living Well book study- what a journey we've been on for the last eight weeks! I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have! I am so glad we could walk through it together! I hope to post all of the study guides together in one document for you to print soon if you didn't get to finish, or if you didn't get to go through it with us. :)


What is your driving force? The final chapter's concluding question weighs heavily on my heart.

What is the purpose of all of this?? What is my goal in this life?

I can be a great homemaker, I can serve my family well, and I can even know my Bible and go to church, but without the love of Jesus I have nothing.

I seriously have nothing without Him.

It's so easy to get distracted where we are right now. Things are pretty wonderful. Life is challenging, but fulfilling. But there's so much more than just this, and I want that.

I want to see Jesus. When I see Him for the first time, I want to be weeping with joy because I have longed for this day and am His- not weeping with sorrow for a short life I regret.

There is so much more ahead of us. This is so important: if our hearts aren't set on the Lord, then we are wasting our time here.

I can never be righteous or good enough to deserve salvation. I can't even be a good homemaker without Jesus. My heart is selfish, angry, and impure on its own. Left to myself, I produce nothing good. I am the very opposite of holy.

And if I look to things, or to having a perfect house, or a nicer car, or an easier season to make me better or more happy, I've lost sight of the MAJESTY of my Lord who saved me.

All throughout the Bible, the Scriptures speak of people falling face down before the presence of the Lord.

Our God is so holy, we cannot stand in His presence on our own two feet.

Do you realize this??

Do you see it?

Our lives are like a vapor- merely a breath!! Our time here will be less than a blink in eternity.

Let me ask you this: do you love Jesus? Do you love Him with all of your heart? Do you serve Him?  Do you long to obey Him?

Do you just say you do or do you truly love Him? 

If you believe in Him, if you realize WHO He is- the great I AM, you will understand the weight of this.

God cannot be deceived. You can't tell Him it was all a mistake when you see Him.

Are you living for Him now?

Do you desire Him? Do you desire to be like Him? Do you know Him?

Are you longing for His heart, for more of Him?

These are my questions for you.

If you are following Jesus, I can tell you that He will do amazing work in your heart. It's not about rules; it's not about looking better; it's not about doing more. It's about your heart, the very soul of you- changing from its natural lust for sin and itself to becoming a new creation- one who longs for the presence of God and the love that He has.

Salvation is beyond comprehension. That God sent His Son to die for us while we were still sinners, and took our punishment and defeated death itself so that we could become His children....oh!! It's too much for words.

This is our God, friend. The One who rescues and redeems and heals what is broken- undeserved by all means, because we did this to ourselves. This is the same merciful Lord who will return in all His Glory one day soon to judge the earth. You will come before Him after this life is over, and He will judge every man according to what he has done.

Do you know Him? Do you long to be holy as He is holy?

Do you want to know Him?

Seek after Him with all of your heart. Confess your sin before Him- you can't hide it, and you can't stand before Him apart from the work of Jesus who takes your sin away.

Pray to Him- confess your sins and repent from them- believe in Him, and pray and read His Word to hear His voice. He is faithful- He will not despise a broken and contrite heart! He is so good, and He is far kinder than we could ever imagine and loves us more than we ever deserve. Don't live this life for yourself- our God is more worthy of your life than anything or anyone else. You can know Him and walk with Him personally.

When you are saved and are given His Holy Spirit, He convicts you and encourages you and comforts you in the most incredible way. It's certainly not easy to follow Jesus while we live in flesh- we all constantly struggle and none of us are perfect- but God knows our hearts, and the Holy Spirit produces fruit in us when we follow Him. The more we know Him, the more we long to know Him and to see Him on that last day.

Our end is coming, and soon, and very soon- we will see Him. How will you spend these next hours? Will you seek after Him and let Him rule your life? Will you serve Him and follow His commands to love? Will you follow after Him and what He would have for you, no matter what it may bring or change? How will you live these days you've been given? Will you love Him?

He is so good. Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come!!

Will you "walk with the King?"

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